Mai guidato una moto da cross? Ti insegneremo passo dopo passo per un'esperienza indimenticabile che non troverai da nessun'altra parte

Esplora la bellezza di Lombok con il Lombok Dirt Bike Tour su una moto da cross. Visita Kuta Beach, Box Cave, Tunak Hills e le pendici del Monte Rinjani attraverso Sembalun in moto, e scopri le meraviglie naturali di Lombok inaccessibili con i mezzi convenzionali

Attraversa foreste incontaminate e vivi una sensazione di guida unica. Questa potrebbe essere un'esperienza irripetibile.

Sostieni la popolazione locale ammirando la bellezza di Lombok in modi che altrimenti non potresti sperimentare

Esplora meraviglie incontaminate in modo unico



Naviga le splendide coste di Lombok, maestose montagne e avvincenti percorsi fuoristrada, adatti a tutti i livelli di avventurieri.


Gunung Tunak’sCon la sua vasta esperienza, ti invita a esplorare spiagge, foreste, montagne, scogliere e terreni costieri 



Esplora la bellezza del nord di Lombok con la nostra avventura in moto da cross attraverso cascate, fiumi e risaie.


Lombok Dirt Bike Tour


Inizia la tua giornata con l'emozionante 'Tour in Moto all'Alba a Lombok'—guida lungo coste panoramiche, affronta sentieri di montagna e esplora emozionanti percorsi fuoristrada, perfetto per gli amanti dell'avventura di ogni livello

Lombok Sunset Dirt Bike


Inizia la tua avventura pomeridiana attraversando le colline calcaree come riscaldamento, prosegui sui vasti sentieri della savana e termina con emozionanti percorsi fuoristrada, concludendo la giornata con un'esperienza al tramonto indimenticabile



Al Lombok Dirt Bike Tour trasformiamo ogni viaggio in un'avventura emozionante, piena di momenti che ti lasceranno senza fiato.


Il nostro team non è solo qualificato; è appassionato di avventura. Il team di Lombok Dirt Bike Tour è dedicato a rendere il tuo viaggio indimenticabile. Inoltre, il nostro team è amichevole, assicurandoti di sentirti benvenuto e a tuo agio durante tutto il tour.


La tua fiducia in noi è la nostra massima priorità. Ecco perché Lombok Dirt Bike Tour è sinonimo di esperienze avventurose costanti.


Al Lombok Dirt Bike Tour l'avventura si unisce alla responsabilità. Siamo impegnati in pratiche eco-compatibili e nel supporto delle comunità locali.

Hai domande sulla nostra avventura? Chiedici pure! Compila semplicemente il modulo qui sotto

    Tour in Dirt Bike a Lombok


    🏍️ Your Adventure Starts Here 🌄 Guided Dirt Bike Tours Across Lombok Island 📞 WhatsApp: +6285333496534 📧 Email:
    • Explore Lombok's rivers, savannas, rocks, and sands on an exhilarating dirt bike tour—adventure awaits! #Lombokdirtbiketour #lombokendurotour #lombokoffroad #offroadlombok
    • Exploring Goa Kotak, Lombok with Dirt Bikes! 🏍️🔥 A thrilling off-road adventure, stunning views, and extreme trails that fuel your adrenaline! Ready to ride? #lombokdirtbiketour #lombokenduro #lombokendurotour #lombokhits
    • Exploring Lombok's lush jungles and stunning waterfalls—pure adventure awaits! 🌿🌊 #LombokJungle #WaterfallExplore #lombokdirtbiketour #lombokendurotour
    • Explore the beauty of Lombok's diverse off-road trails with a dirt bike! Ride through hills, beaches, and savannas, creating unforgettable moments. Lombok Dirt Bike Tour is perfect for beginners, intermediate, and experienced riders. Let's ride and enjoy the adventure!" 🏍️🌿🏝️#lombokdirtbiketour #lombokdirtbike #lombokenduro #lombokendurotour #lombokoffroad
    • Explore the beauty of Lombok, starting from its beaches to forests, on a two-wheeled off-road adventure. Enjoy the challenging terrain of dirt, sand, and rocks. Create unforgettable moments with Lombok Dirt Bike Tour. #lombokdirtbike #lombokdirtbiketour #lombokendurotour #lombokenduro #lombokoffroad
    • Lost in the stunning sunset at Goa Kotak's offroad track in Lombok. A perfect place to unwind and enjoy the golden moments at the end of the day. Wheels spin, dust flies, and the sky burns bright orange—this is an unforgettable adventure. #SunsetAdventure #GoaKotak #LombokOffroad #lombokdirtbiketour #lombokenduro #lombokendurotour
    • 🏍️ Epic Dirt Bike Adventure in Kuta Mandalika, Lombok! 🌿Ready to conquer the wild trails of Lombok? Feel the adrenaline rush as you ride through rugged terrains, tropical forests, and sandy tracks with Dead Bike Tour! Whether you're a beginner or a pro, this off-road experience will take your adventure to the next level.Looking for the best dirt bike tours in Lombok? Visit and book your ride today!📍 Location: Kuta Mandalika, Lombok⚡ Difficulty: Beginner to Pro🔥 Experience: 100% Adventure & Thrill
    • Unforgettable off-road adventures with Lombok Dirt Bike Tour in Gunung Tunak, Lombok! From rocky paths to sandy trails, complete with coral rocks and dense forests—all while enjoying the stunning views of Lombok's southern beaches. Lombok isn't just about natural beauty, but a paradise for dirt bike enthusiasts too. #OffRoadLombok #DirtBikeAdventure #SouthLombokBeaches #LombokDirtBikeTour #lombokendurotour #lombokoffroad #offroadlombok
    • Embark on an exhilarating dirt bike adventure in Kuta Lombok! Climb the southern hills for stunning panoramic views of pristine beaches and a glimpse of the Mandalika MotoGP circuit. Ride through Selong Belanak's desert-like landscape and lush coconut groves, tackling challenging limestone paths. Join Lombok Dirt Bike for an unforgettable blend of excitement and natural beauty!#lombokdirtbiketour #lombokenduro #lombokendurotour #lombokdirtbike #lombokadventure #lombokisland #lombokoffroad
    Explore Lombok's rivers, savannas, rocks, and sands on an exhilarating dirt bike tour—adventure awaits! #Lombokdirtbiketour #lombokendurotour #lombokoffroad #offroadlombok
    5 giorni ago
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    Exploring Goa Kotak, Lombok with Dirt Bikes! 🏍️🔥 A thrilling off-road adventure, stunning views, and extreme trails that fuel your adrenaline! Ready to ride? #lombokdirtbiketour #lombokenduro #lombokendurotour #lombokhits
    Exploring Goa Kotak, Lombok with Dirt Bikes! 🏍️🔥 A thrilling off-road adventure, stunning views, and extreme trails that fuel your adrenaline! Ready to ride? #lombokdirtbiketour #lombokenduro #lombokendurotour #lombokhits
    Exploring Goa Kotak, Lombok with Dirt Bikes! 🏍️🔥 A thrilling off-road adventure, stunning views, and extreme trails that fuel your adrenaline! Ready to ride? #lombokdirtbiketour #lombokenduro #lombokendurotour #lombokhits
    Exploring Goa Kotak, Lombok with Dirt Bikes! 🏍️🔥 A thrilling off-road adventure, stunning views, and extreme trails that fuel your adrenaline! Ready to ride? #lombokdirtbiketour #lombokenduro #lombokendurotour #lombokhits
    Exploring Goa Kotak, Lombok with Dirt Bikes! 🏍️🔥 A thrilling off-road adventure, stunning views, and extreme trails that fuel your adrenaline! Ready to ride? #lombokdirtbiketour #lombokenduro #lombokendurotour #lombokhits
    Exploring Goa Kotak, Lombok with Dirt Bikes! 🏍️🔥 A thrilling off-road adventure, stunning views, and extreme trails that fuel your adrenaline! Ready to ride? #lombokdirtbiketour #lombokenduro #lombokendurotour #lombokhits
    Exploring Goa Kotak, Lombok with Dirt Bikes! 🏍️🔥 A thrilling off-road adventure, stunning views, and extreme trails that fuel your adrenaline! Ready to ride? #lombokdirtbiketour #lombokenduro #lombokendurotour #lombokhits
    Exploring Goa Kotak, Lombok with Dirt Bikes! 🏍️🔥 A thrilling off-road adventure, stunning views, and extreme trails that fuel your adrenaline! Ready to ride? #lombokdirtbiketour #lombokenduro #lombokendurotour #lombokhits
    6 giorni ago
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    Exploring Lombok's lush jungles and stunning waterfalls—pure adventure awaits! 🌿🌊 #LombokJungle #WaterfallExplore #lombokdirtbiketour #lombokendurotour
    Exploring Lombok's lush jungles and stunning waterfalls—pure adventure awaits! 🌿🌊 #LombokJungle #WaterfallExplore #lombokdirtbiketour #lombokendurotour
    Exploring Lombok's lush jungles and stunning waterfalls—pure adventure awaits! 🌿🌊 #LombokJungle #WaterfallExplore #lombokdirtbiketour #lombokendurotour
    Exploring Lombok's lush jungles and stunning waterfalls—pure adventure awaits! 🌿🌊 #LombokJungle #WaterfallExplore #lombokdirtbiketour #lombokendurotour
    Exploring Lombok's lush jungles and stunning waterfalls—pure adventure awaits! 🌿🌊 #LombokJungle #WaterfallExplore #lombokdirtbiketour #lombokendurotour
    7 giorni ago
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    Explore the beauty of Lombok's diverse off-road trails with a dirt bike! Ride through hills, beaches, and savannas, creating unforgettable moments. Lombok Dirt Bike Tour is perfect for beginners, intermediate, and experienced riders. Let's ride and enjoy the adventure!" 🏍️🌿🏝️#lombokdirtbiketour #lombokdirtbike #lombokenduro #lombokendurotour #lombokoffroad
    Explore the beauty of Lombok's diverse off-road trails with a dirt bike! Ride through hills, beaches, and savannas, creating unforgettable moments. Lombok Dirt Bike Tour is perfect for beginners, intermediate, and experienced riders. Let's ride and enjoy the adventure!" 🏍️🌿🏝️#lombokdirtbiketour #lombokdirtbike #lombokenduro #lombokendurotour #lombokoffroad
    Explore the beauty of Lombok's diverse off-road trails with a dirt bike! Ride through hills, beaches, and savannas, creating unforgettable moments. Lombok Dirt Bike Tour is perfect for beginners, intermediate, and experienced riders. Let's ride and enjoy the adventure!" 🏍️🌿🏝️#lombokdirtbiketour #lombokdirtbike #lombokenduro #lombokendurotour #lombokoffroad
    Explore the beauty of Lombok's diverse off-road trails with a dirt bike! Ride through hills, beaches, and savannas, creating unforgettable moments. Lombok Dirt Bike Tour is perfect for beginners, intermediate, and experienced riders. Let's ride and enjoy the adventure!" 🏍️🌿🏝️#lombokdirtbiketour #lombokdirtbike #lombokenduro #lombokendurotour #lombokoffroad
    Explore the beauty of Lombok's diverse off-road trails with a dirt bike! Ride through hills, beaches, and savannas, creating unforgettable moments. Lombok Dirt Bike Tour is perfect for beginners, intermediate, and experienced riders. Let's ride and enjoy the adventure!" 🏍️🌿🏝️#lombokdirtbiketour #lombokdirtbike #lombokenduro #lombokendurotour #lombokoffroad
    Explore the beauty of Lombok's diverse off-road trails with a dirt bike! Ride through hills, beaches, and savannas, creating unforgettable moments. Lombok Dirt Bike Tour is perfect for beginners, intermediate, and experienced riders. Let's ride and enjoy the adventure!" 🏍️🌿🏝️#lombokdirtbiketour #lombokdirtbike #lombokenduro #lombokendurotour #lombokoffroad
    Explore the beauty of Lombok's diverse off-road trails with a dirt bike! Ride through hills, beaches, and savannas, creating unforgettable moments. Lombok Dirt Bike Tour is perfect for beginners, intermediate, and experienced riders. Let's ride and enjoy the adventure!" 🏍️🌿🏝️#lombokdirtbiketour #lombokdirtbike #lombokenduro #lombokendurotour #lombokoffroad
    Explore the beauty of Lombok's diverse off-road trails with a dirt bike! Ride through hills, beaches, and savannas, creating unforgettable moments. Lombok Dirt Bike Tour is perfect for beginners, intermediate, and experienced riders. Let's ride and enjoy the adventure!" 🏍️🌿🏝️#lombokdirtbiketour #lombokdirtbike #lombokenduro #lombokendurotour #lombokoffroad
    Explore the beauty of Lombok's diverse off-road trails with a dirt bike! Ride through hills, beaches, and savannas, creating unforgettable moments. Lombok Dirt Bike Tour is perfect for beginners, intermediate, and experienced riders. Let's ride and enjoy the adventure!" 🏍️🌿🏝️#lombokdirtbiketour #lombokdirtbike #lombokenduro #lombokendurotour #lombokoffroad
    Explore the beauty of Lombok's diverse off-road trails with a dirt bike! Ride through hills, beaches, and savannas, creating unforgettable moments. Lombok Dirt Bike Tour is perfect for beginners, intermediate, and experienced riders. Let's ride and enjoy the adventure!" 🏍️🌿🏝️#lombokdirtbiketour #lombokdirtbike #lombokenduro #lombokendurotour #lombokoffroad
    Explore the beauty of Lombok's diverse off-road trails with a dirt bike! Ride through hills, beaches, and savannas, creating unforgettable moments. Lombok Dirt Bike Tour is perfect for beginners, intermediate, and experienced riders. Let's ride and enjoy the adventure!" 🏍️🌿🏝️ #lombokdirtbiketour #lombokdirtbike #lombokenduro #lombokendurotour #lombokoffroad
    1 settimana ago
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    Explore the beauty of Lombok, starting from its beaches to forests, on a two-wheeled off-road adventure. Enjoy the challenging terrain of dirt, sand, and rocks. Create unforgettable moments with Lombok Dirt Bike Tour. #lombokdirtbike #lombokdirtbiketour #lombokendurotour #lombokenduro #lombokoffroad
    Explore the beauty of Lombok, starting from its beaches to forests, on a two-wheeled off-road adventure. Enjoy the challenging terrain of dirt, sand, and rocks. Create unforgettable moments with Lombok Dirt Bike Tour. #lombokdirtbike #lombokdirtbiketour #lombokendurotour #lombokenduro #lombokoffroad
    Explore the beauty of Lombok, starting from its beaches to forests, on a two-wheeled off-road adventure. Enjoy the challenging terrain of dirt, sand, and rocks. Create unforgettable moments with Lombok Dirt Bike Tour. #lombokdirtbike #lombokdirtbiketour #lombokendurotour #lombokenduro #lombokoffroad
    Explore the beauty of Lombok, starting from its beaches to forests, on a two-wheeled off-road adventure. Enjoy the challenging terrain of dirt, sand, and rocks. Create unforgettable moments with Lombok Dirt Bike Tour. #lombokdirtbike #lombokdirtbiketour #lombokendurotour #lombokenduro #lombokoffroad
    Explore the beauty of Lombok, starting from its beaches to forests, on a two-wheeled off-road adventure. Enjoy the challenging terrain of dirt, sand, and rocks. Create unforgettable moments with Lombok Dirt Bike Tour. #lombokdirtbike #lombokdirtbiketour #lombokendurotour #lombokenduro #lombokoffroad
    Explore the beauty of Lombok, starting from its beaches to forests, on a two-wheeled off-road adventure. Enjoy the challenging terrain of dirt, sand, and rocks. Create unforgettable moments with Lombok Dirt Bike Tour. #lombokdirtbike #lombokdirtbiketour #lombokendurotour #lombokenduro #lombokoffroad
    Explore the beauty of Lombok, starting from its beaches to forests, on a two-wheeled off-road adventure. Enjoy the challenging terrain of dirt, sand, and rocks. Create unforgettable moments with Lombok Dirt Bike Tour. #lombokdirtbike #lombokdirtbiketour #lombokendurotour #lombokenduro #lombokoffroad
    Explore the beauty of Lombok, starting from its beaches to forests, on a two-wheeled off-road adventure. Enjoy the challenging terrain of dirt, sand, and rocks. Create unforgettable moments with Lombok Dirt Bike Tour. #lombokdirtbike #lombokdirtbiketour #lombokendurotour #lombokenduro #lombokoffroad
    Explore the beauty of Lombok, starting from its beaches to forests, on a two-wheeled off-road adventure. Enjoy the challenging terrain of dirt, sand, and rocks. Create unforgettable moments with Lombok Dirt Bike Tour. #lombokdirtbike #lombokdirtbiketour #lombokendurotour #lombokenduro #lombokoffroad
    2 settimane ago
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    Lost in the stunning sunset at Goa Kotak's offroad track in Lombok. A perfect place to unwind and enjoy the golden moments at the end of the day. Wheels spin, dust flies, and the sky burns bright orange—this is an unforgettable adventure. #SunsetAdventure #GoaKotak #LombokOffroad #lombokdirtbiketour #lombokenduro #lombokendurotour
    Lost in the stunning sunset at Goa Kotak's offroad track in Lombok. A perfect place to unwind and enjoy the golden moments at the end of the day. Wheels spin, dust flies, and the sky burns bright orange—this is an unforgettable adventure. #SunsetAdventure #GoaKotak #LombokOffroad #lombokdirtbiketour #lombokenduro #lombokendurotour
    Lost in the stunning sunset at Goa Kotak's offroad track in Lombok. A perfect place to unwind and enjoy the golden moments at the end of the day. Wheels spin, dust flies, and the sky burns bright orange—this is an unforgettable adventure. #SunsetAdventure #GoaKotak #LombokOffroad #lombokdirtbiketour #lombokenduro #lombokendurotour
    Lost in the stunning sunset at Goa Kotak's offroad track in Lombok. A perfect place to unwind and enjoy the golden moments at the end of the day. Wheels spin, dust flies, and the sky burns bright orange—this is an unforgettable adventure. #SunsetAdventure #GoaKotak #LombokOffroad #lombokdirtbiketour #lombokenduro #lombokendurotour
    Lost in the stunning sunset at Goa Kotak's offroad track in Lombok. A perfect place to unwind and enjoy the golden moments at the end of the day. Wheels spin, dust flies, and the sky burns bright orange—this is an unforgettable adventure. #SunsetAdventure #GoaKotak #LombokOffroad #lombokdirtbiketour #lombokenduro #lombokendurotour
    2 settimane ago
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    🏍️ Epic Dirt Bike Adventure in Kuta Mandalika, Lombok! 🌿 Ready to conquer the wild trails of Lombok? Feel the adrenaline rush as you ride through rugged terrains, tropical forests, and sandy tracks with Dead Bike Tour! Whether you're a beginner or a pro, this off-road experience will take your adventure to the next level. Looking for the best dirt bike tours in Lombok? Visit and book your ride today! 📍 Location: Kuta Mandalika, Lombok ⚡ Difficulty: Beginner to Pro 🔥 Experience: 100% Adventure & Thrill
    2 settimane ago
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    Unforgettable off-road adventures with Lombok Dirt Bike Tour in Gunung Tunak, Lombok! From rocky paths to sandy trails, complete with coral rocks and dense forests—all while enjoying the stunning views of Lombok's southern beaches. Lombok isn't just about natural beauty, but a paradise for dirt bike enthusiasts too. #OffRoadLombok #DirtBikeAdventure #SouthLombokBeaches #LombokDirtBikeTour #lombokendurotour #lombokoffroad #offroadlombok
    Unforgettable off-road adventures with Lombok Dirt Bike Tour in Gunung Tunak, Lombok! From rocky paths to sandy trails, complete with coral rocks and dense forests—all while enjoying the stunning views of Lombok's southern beaches. Lombok isn't just about natural beauty, but a paradise for dirt bike enthusiasts too. #OffRoadLombok #DirtBikeAdventure #SouthLombokBeaches #LombokDirtBikeTour #lombokendurotour #lombokoffroad #offroadlombok
    Unforgettable off-road adventures with Lombok Dirt Bike Tour in Gunung Tunak, Lombok! From rocky paths to sandy trails, complete with coral rocks and dense forests—all while enjoying the stunning views of Lombok's southern beaches. Lombok isn't just about natural beauty, but a paradise for dirt bike enthusiasts too. #OffRoadLombok #DirtBikeAdventure #SouthLombokBeaches #LombokDirtBikeTour #lombokendurotour #lombokoffroad #offroadlombok
    Unforgettable off-road adventures with Lombok Dirt Bike Tour in Gunung Tunak, Lombok! From rocky paths to sandy trails, complete with coral rocks and dense forests—all while enjoying the stunning views of Lombok's southern beaches. Lombok isn't just about natural beauty, but a paradise for dirt bike enthusiasts too. #OffRoadLombok #DirtBikeAdventure #SouthLombokBeaches #LombokDirtBikeTour #lombokendurotour #lombokoffroad #offroadlombok
    3 settimane ago
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    Embark on an exhilarating dirt bike adventure in Kuta Lombok! Climb the southern hills for stunning panoramic views of pristine beaches and a glimpse of the Mandalika MotoGP circuit. Ride through Selong Belanak's desert-like landscape and lush coconut groves, tackling challenging limestone paths. Join Lombok Dirt Bike for an unforgettable blend of excitement and natural beauty! #lombokdirtbiketour #lombokenduro #lombokendurotour #lombokdirtbike #lombokadventure #lombokisland #lombokoffroad
    4 settimane ago
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    Basato su 3 recensioni
    powered by Google
    Moniek Krijn
    15:59 09 Jan 25
    Prima volta alla guida di una moto e mi sono divertito tantissimo!! Paesaggi mozzafiato: spiaggia, fiume, villaggi, campagne, giungla. Il modo migliore per scoprire l'isola! Una guida fantastica che ha scattato ottime foto e video. Un'esperienza davvero divertente, la consiglio a tutti!! 🙂
    Bastian Stauch
    13:39 09 Jan 25
    Unfortunately, I can’t give more than 5 stars. We were more than happy with the first tour, so we booked another one shortly afterwards. The guys do a great job. Thank you very much 🙏
    David Glover
    12:16 09 Jan 25
    We considered hiring dirt bikes and just finding our own trails to ride. I’m so happy that we didn’t do that.The guides were so knowledgeable and took us on a massive variety of trails from single track to faster sectors, though rivers and over some very challenging obstacles. 100% would recommend.


    Gang Dangin Puseh, MAS, Ubud, Gianyar Regency, Bali 80571
    Whatsapp: +6281337664172

    Chi Siamo

    Al Lombok Dirt Bike Tour, non siamo solo appassionati di moto da cross; siamo dedicati a offrire l'esperienza definitiva di Lombok Dirt Bike. Situata nel cuore della splendida isola di Lombok in Indonesia, la nostra azienda è diventata sinonimo di avventure emozionanti e autentiche in moto da cross.

    This website is developed, optimized, and maintained by Ramaya Digital. (Digital Marketing Service In Bali)