Pascal and Eva: An Unforgettable Dirt Bike Adventure in Kuta Lombok

Pascal ed Eva: Un'avventura indimenticabile in moto da cross a Kuta Lombok

On July 25, 2024, Pascal Peter and Eva Hostettler from Switzerland embarked on an unforgettable experience with Lombok Dirt Bike. Through a series of WhatsApp messages with our team, their excitement and attention to detail were evident, ensuring their adventure would be flawless. Thoughtful Preparation Pascal reached out with a key question: does Lombok Dirt …

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Lombok Dirt Bike Adventure: Thrill, Excitement and Beauty

Lombok Dirt Bike Adventure: Emozioni, Eccitazione e Bellezza

Else Meijer and Janneke from the Netherlands, planned an unforgettable surprise for January 10, 2025. Else wanted to give Janneke, a passionate dirt bike enthusiast, the ultimate birthday experience. She planned a thrilling journey through Lombok’s challenging off-road trails. This wasn’t just a trip, it was an adventure combining the excitement of dirt biking with …

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Gang Dangin Puseh, MAS, Ubud, Gianyar Regency, Bali 80571
Whatsapp: +6281337664172

Chi Siamo

Al Lombok Dirt Bike Tour, non siamo solo appassionati di moto da cross; siamo dedicati a offrire l'esperienza definitiva di Lombok Dirt Bike. Situata nel cuore della splendida isola di Lombok in Indonesia, la nostra azienda è diventata sinonimo di avventure emozionanti e autentiche in moto da cross.

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